Ben jij die sneeuw en kou ook al zat? Of vermaak je je wel met een boardje en een heuvel? Hoe dan ook zul je uitkijken naar de zomer als je weer lekker in je blote bast op je wakeboard kunt staan. Voordat dat in Nederland zo ver is duurt het nog wel even, maar je kunt alvast een voorschot op de zomer nemen door in maart af te reizen naar Turkije naar kabelbaan Hip-Notics. Daar worden eind februari/begin maar de Country Camps georganiseerd, waarbij je voordeling een week kunt boarden landgenoten bij Hip-Notics. De Nederlandse variant Camp Holland wordt mede georganiseerd door Daan Rigter en vindt plaats van 28 februari tot 6 maart 2011. Lees hier alle info over Camp Holland, en hier algemene info over de Country Camps. Do you want to practice your skills on an upper level? Have fun with like-minded people and spend an amazing week on vacation? Here is the solution for it: the COUNTRY-CAMPS at Hip-Notics Cable Park in Antalya Turkey! One of the best and interesting cable parks on the world presents special camps for the next season! You will spend an unforgettable week with awesome people and get the chance to work on your favorite tricks with a coach from your country! You will have training time every day and special coaching at the Little Bro-System! We will make you fly…higher…better…and bigger!
The easiest way to realize your passion to wakeboarding at one of the best cable parks at the world! Hip-Notics is not only known as the wakeboard-Mecca for all Europeans! After the WWA World Championship in October it is one of the most popular Cables all over the world! It is a place that riders have been dreaming about! Only a couple hours away from Europe’s major cities, still warm, friendly and fun.
The first camps starting in February/March 2011! A special camp for all France riders will be from the 21st of February till the 27th of February! Laurent Peyrichou one of the best riders in France and well known all over the world will help to reach your goals step by step.
Directly in March will follow the next Camp! Daan Rigter presents the HOLLAND-CAMP from the 28th of February till the 6th of March 2011!
The weeks will be covered with food and music! You will get an sightseeing tour to Antalya and spend the week on a schedule! The coaches will push you to our Limit and you will see…..this is the best start in the new season 2011!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity! The places are limit! Come together and book your flight! Contact [email protected] to make your reservation and get all the information you need!
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